1(801) 209-3546
University Valuation Group
a student-led valuation consultancy
See the future today.
Our group is composed of the most motivated, talented, and ambitious students of business and finance. When you choose to work with the students of the University Valuation Group, you are choosing to trust the future of valuation and consulting talent.

Know your value. Know your market.
We know and understand your specific needs related to valuation as an enterprise owner. No two businesses are alike and we have the time, energy, and analytic ability to identify the valuation characteristics and nuances that makes you unique as a business. The University Valuation Group is truly a cohort of professionals that work for you.
Enterprise value and beyond.
Take the first big step to truly see your business from a whole new view. With the in-depth, enterprise valuation work produced by our group, you will gain new and valuable insights about your company's financial health, growth prospects, competitive landscape and equity portrait.

Our Story. Our Mission.
The University Valuation Group was founded in January of 2018 and set out with a simple mission: to provide businesses with an excellent valuation experience and allow the best and brightest university students to put their unique financial skills and expertise to work. The University Valuation Group is open to students of all majors and hopes to incorporate undergrads from Utah Colleges and Universities.

Managing Director
Richard E. Haskell, Sr. is an Associate Professor (Finance) in the Gore School of Business at Westminster College, has a faculty appointment in the Department of Economics at the University of Utah, and is a retired business owner. His research agenda includes explorations into valuation modeling (discounted cash flows, multiples) in corporate finance,and the higher education and labor market effects of innovations in public education.
Baily Prince is a senior at Westminster College studying accounting and finance. Prince was born and raised locally in Tooele Utah. He attends Westminster College because of its small class sizes and being close to where he calls home. Prince is one of the student coordinators for CO-OP, a consultant to opportunity businesses, and a student board member for the Associated Students of Westminster. When not working on the many WCFW related assignments, he enjoys hanging out with friends, playing video games, and strolling around downtown Salt Lake.
Zach Douglas is a senior at Westminster College studying finance. Born and raised in Northeast Connecticut, he decided on Westminster for not only the gratifying outdoors experience of Salt Lake City, but also for the small class sizes and memorable campus. While his current role is to oversee the successful completion of projects associated with Co - Op, he is also capable of performing duties as a student consultant. When not working on the many WCFW related assignments, he enjoys biking, hiking, snowboarding, and playing video games.
Trey is a Senior at Westminster College studying Finance. Originally from St. George, UT he has moved up to Salt Lake City to finish his education and continue playing Basketball. Trey has played collegiate level basketball at several colleges in the state including Snow College and Utah Valley University. He is married to Lexi Farrer and they have been married since 2020.
Kennedy McNeel is a junior at Westminster College studying Accounting and Finance. Born and raised in Northwest Arkansas, Kennedy moved to Utah to finish high school and went on to continue her education at Westminster. The Co-Op has given her the opportunity to expand her knowledge as well as work closely with the Salt Lake community. When Kennedy isn’t in class or work, she enjoys golfing, spending time with friends and family, and playing with her dog, Ruby.
Mikkel is a senior studying Finance and Business Computer Information Systems. Born and raised in Norway, he moved to the US to compete for the Westminster Ski team. IN his free time he enjoys cooking, playing golf, and hanging out with his friends.
Hayden is a senior at Westminster College studying business administration. Born and raised in Alaska, Hayden moved to Salt Lake City to pursue his education during the pandemic. And when not enjoying the outdoors or making pottery, Hayden handles accounting and finance issues in the center.
Zekai Li is a senior at Westminster College studying finance. Born and raised in Qingdao, a coastal city in China. Inspired by his family in pursuing a career in finance since a young age, he chose Westminster college for the quality education opportunity and close relationship the small class size offers. Here at the Center for Financial Wellness he handles financing and accounting problems. In his own time, he enjoys traditional archery with local archery communities.
Django is a senior at Westminster College and captain of the NCAA D2 Men's Lacrosse team. He is a Finance major and is eager to pursue a career in fixed income. Clarke enjoys skiing and travelling in his free time.
The University Valuation Group is a student led valuation consultancy. As a student led, academically sponsored group, the final materials and deliverables created by the group are to be utilized as academic research and for the sole purpose of introducing business owners to different methods of enterprise valuation. Clients of the University Valuation Group should not use University Valuation Group work and materials for any transaction, audit or investment related activities. It is highly encouraged that clients seek the services of professional valuation firms if they wish to move forward with the valuation process.